So, Molly has been a pretty busy little baby lately. First off, the CMV and blood cultures have all come back negative. Which is good news. She got a PICC line put in yesterday in her left arm. Since she has had her broviac since November, she has outgrown it. The broviac is the central line in her chest through which IV fluids and her meds are delivered. She will get her broviac surgically removed this afternoon at her bedside. The PICC line is like a regular IV in terms of appearance, but is more long term than a regular IV.
Molly Is getting an upper GI done right this second. They need to check out her anatomy in preparation for her G-tube. She will get this placed the same time as her trach. In other stomach news, she had an ND (nasoduodenal) tube placed which replaces her NG (nasogastric tube). The NG tube went down her nose into her stomach when she was fed. A couple of days ago she had some episodes of spitting up. The ND reduces this by bypassing her stomach, going straight to the duodenum.
She had another echo a couple of days ago to check on her PDA closure and pressures in her heart. Everything looked good.
Pulmonology and the ENT team has been asked for consultations to move forward with the trach. Still waiting on those guys.
Molly has still been pretty sleepy for the most part. But, she was awake a couple of days ago, looking around and tracking us. And giving the nurse the stink eye! She has also started to get her immunizations. She has never had any. They will be spacing them out a little though so as not to overwhelm her with them all at once.
There is one other big piece of news. Since Molly is a bigger baby and they may need her bed in the NICU for another itty bitty baby, we may be moved to the PICU. This will probably take place whenever a bed in the PICU becomes available. The NICU is the neonatal intensive care unit. The PICU is the pediatric intensive care unit. They told us that the rooms are private and more family friendly. I think this will be a pretty quick move once that bed becomes available. Will keep you posted.....
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