Sunday, March 16, 2014


Finally Molly is getting back to her normal self. Not completely, but she is getting there. She isn't sleeping all day and night any more. They have been able to wean her vent settings just about everyday. She only has one blood gas a day, which is really weird to us. Good for Molly though because that means less heel sticks. They haven't been able to run the blood tests on her liver because they require a lot of blood. In rounds this morning they even decided to not pursue those tests. They will check her ammonia level though. High ammonia levels in the liver can make a baby lethargic. Tomorrow she will get that test, a CBC, and another chest xray. Molly has lost a lot of the fluid she had retained, she is now 11 pounds 7 oz. Still puffy, but much better.

Blood cultures have still been negative and no result yet on the CMV. It turned out that they have to send that test out and it can take up to 2 weeks to get the results. Today we learned that the infectious disease doctor believes that the CMV has flared up. That was our suspicion....either that or just your run of the mill cold. Either way, she seems to be slowly getting better.

Yesterday we asked the attending what is the exact plan going forward. Everything hinges on her getting to full feeds. They want to make sure she can tolerate them. Full feeds is 100mL/per kilo/day. Right now she is at 80. The sooner she is on full feeds, the sooner her liver can heal itself. Her vent settings also need to come down a bit. After these two things happen, she will probably be getting her trach. The doctor said it may take a week to get to full feeds. Although at the rate they are increasing now, I think it will be sooner. So, we wait. And hope and pray that she tolerates her feeds.

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