Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 197

So, Molly has pneumonia. Her oxygen needs have been increasing. They even had to bag her today to get her sats back up. I couldn't watch that, had to leave the room. They did a tracheal aspirate culture just this morning. Preliminary results came back this afternoon. When the results come back that fast, you know some infection is definitely brewing. The culture showed "many gram negative rods." So, zosyn (antibiotic) was started. Hopefully they caught it soon enough.

Molly has actually been infection free for a couple of months. Too bad we couldn't keep that streak going. Please pray that the antibiotics kick in fast. If she gets too agitated and squirmy, they are going to have to paralyze her.

1 comment:

  1. She has come so far for this to be happening. I am praying but I know you are too,come on Molly fight on... its worth it. Please!!!
