Saturday, February 8, 2014

howdy folks

I have been wanting to start a blog forever. What better time than now! Caringbridge has been great, but I cannot upload pictures from my phone nor can I upload videos. And let me tell you, between my phone and Tim's, we have tons of both. I also read A LOT of other blogs, mainly about other preemies and medically fragile babies. They have helped me learn a lot and it's comforting to read about other people who have similar stories to ours. I hope that one day someone else in our situation can find comfort in my words. I will transition from Caringbridge to here over the next couple of days. I will also post on facebook a link to here. 

For those who don't know what a flibbertyjibbet is, let me explain. Have you ever seen the movie 'Joe versus the volcano'? Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are in it. It's a quirky movie, right up my alley. Anyway, Meg Ryan has a line in the movie calling herself a flibbertyjibbet (or flibbertygibbet). When I made soap, I called my little soap making business Flibbertyjibbet. If you look up the meaning of the word, it fits me pretty well. It means a whimsical lady. 

Anywho, enough of that. I will end this post with pictures of my sweet baby girl before and after surgery. Sorry if you have a weak stomach, this is reality folks. I promise to add sweet pictures later!

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