So, we are 72 hours out from surgery. Molly is doing rather well. She does unfortunately have an excess of 2 pounds of fluid on her little body. She weighed in at 10 lbs 14 oz last night. The settings on the vent are coming down, which is fantastic! Today is Dr. Jain's last day as the day doc, so before he is done, we all came up with the next plan of action. He wrote orders for 2 doses of bumex. It is a stronger diuretic and it's what he used after she swelled up after her first surgery. He will follow the bumex with an increased dosage of lasix. Then, we are starting our next 14-day round of steroids. I think this might be the push we need to move to CPAP. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer! He is also mixing up her pain management a bit. She is getting lots of boluses of versed and fentanyl along with the regular drip of fentanyl. So, he has decided to add a drip of versed, deccrease the fentanyl drip a little, and decrease the boluses. So, lots of changes in the world of Molly! But I think they are just what we need to get this party started!
Here are a few pictures of M's wicked wound!
Sweet girl has some battle scars early, but that's okay. She's a Forney and we wear our battle scars with pride. Love yall